Introduction to the mind-boggling process of late-diagnosis of Autism & ADHD

I think what’s happened to me is a part of a story that is only just beginning to be told. 

All our individual stories are different yet influenced by similar and different wider constructs, systems, and societal beliefs. 

This is why we find solace in each other while simultaneously having to navigate nuanced discourse about language that describes our experiences.

I want people to have access to information they deserve. I wish they were an objective place for people to go to when they experienced what I did. However, I believe there is a long road before that is possible. 

In light of this, I recommend anyone who reads my blog to go away and read as many diverse experiences as possible, especially the ones that differ to my own. 

I am very aware that even my own understanding of what is happening to me and the people around me may become outdated in years to come. I hope in this humility it will encourage the wider community of psychiatry and healthcare to reflect a little upon their understanding of neurodivergency. 

My story is my life and a life cannot be summed up in words but I can and will do my best to introduce myself to you. Self introductions have always been difficult for me as I have always struggled with my sense of self. We pick the parts of ourselves that are most important for a stranger getting to know us. 

I think the truth is, I am not simple to know. Not in an I’m not like other girls kind of way, but in a there are real things that make me stick out in a room full of people kind of way.  

To cut to the chase I was diagnosed as Autistic and with ADHD between age 18 and 20. I study Politics, Philosophy, and Economics. Sometimes I am far too quiet but if you know me I am frustratingly chaotic. I think little animals are cute, and I lovee coffee and baked goods. I have this huge sense of wanting to change things but a lack of self direction.

At the time of writing this I am the age of 21 and very envious of future me in the same way 13 year old me would be jealous of everything 18 year old me has learnt about myself. 

I can’t tell 13 year old me hey you’re autistic you’re not broken or tell 16 year old me hey you aren’t lazy you struggle with executive dysfunction because you have ADHD. But if my story reaches someone who needs to hear it and they start to properly research autism and ADHD or OCD, Dyselxia (I will discuss later) and begin to understand themselves, then I feel like its worth sharing my story. 

Everyone’s story is different, if you relate to me please use this as a stepping stone rather than a diagnostic criteria, because no one is the same, we are all very different. But, this is a little blog documenting my life at the moment and  sharing a little about what it is like to live with my mental healthdifficulties and be someone who is autistic and has ADHD.

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